Pt NC Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis – Exacerbation of Psoriasis with posaconazole

Date: 7 February 2014

After 3 weeks of posaconazole given for chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, patient NC had a remarkable exacerbation of psoriasis. He had had psoriasis for years, with little trouble and almost no treatment. After taking posaconazole 400mg twice daily, he developed psoriatic plaques on his hands for the first time ever. The plaques on his lower legs became confluent. This occurred in association with worsening chest symptoms, notably increased coughing, more breathlessness and increasing oxygen requirement.

Posaconazole was stopped after 3 weeks, and 2 weeks later he was still very symptomatic with his chest. This responded to a 2 week course of corticosteroids, and his psoriasis also improved.


Fungal Research Trust

Notes: n/a

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