Date: 23 April 2015
Pseudomembranous seen overlying the bronchial mucosa (Tasci 2006).
Copyright: n/a
This image featured in Airways (tracheobronchial) Treatment protocol
Tasci S, Glasmacher A, Lentini S, Tschubel K, Ewig S, Molitor E, Sauerbruch T, Lüderitz B, Rabe C. Pseudomembranous and obstructive Aspergillus tracheobronchitis – optimal diagnostic strategy and outcome. Mycoses. 2006 Jan;49(1):37-42 Article
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Patient with chronic productive cough, chest pain and ABPA, unable to take itraconazole or nebulised amphotericin B. Smokes at least 40 roll up cigarettes a day.
Laryngeal aspergillosis, probably related to inhaled corticosteroids.
VL-2397 (formerly known as ASP2397) is a novel antifungal drug initially developed by our partner, Astellas Pharma. This drug was isolated from a leaf litter fungus Acremonium species collected in a Malaysian national park. Astellas presented two posters at the 2014 ICAAC meeting which described the in vitro and the in vivo antifungal activities of this drug. The differentiating attributes from the preclinical data of VL-2397 include:
- A novel mechanism of action, with a potential to be complementary or synergistic with the existing classes of antifungals.
- Rapid fungal cell kill activity demonstrated in preclinical models, which was faster than marketed antifungals.
- Activity against azole-resistant fungal species.
- Low propensity for P450 drug-drug interactions.
SCY-078, new orally available beta-1,3-d-glucan synthase inhibitor, Formely MK-3118.
Pt DSM Community acquired primary Aspergillus pneumonia. Two x-rays taken on 02/02/2010 then 05/03/2010