Date: 26 November 2013
Grocott (silver) stain showing branching septate hyphae fairly typical of Aspergillus in mucus. The apparent right angle branching is unusual.
Fungal Infection Trust
Mucoid impaction due to ABPA- Pt DL.A 57 year old woman presented with breathlessness. She had a history of mild asthma for which she occasionally took salbutamol inhaler puffs. The patient underwent a pneumonectomy because of the severity of her disease process, and uncertainty about the diagnosis, prior to serology results being obtained.Serology showed an IgE of 2600, with a strongly positive Aspergillus RAST test and weakly positive Aspergillus precipitins. Material removed at bronchoscopy showed eosinophilia. These features confirm a diagnosis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA).
Images library
Mr RM is 80 and an ex-coal miner.He developed pneumoconiosis from exposure to coal dust. He also developed rheumatoid arthritis and the combination of this disease and pneumoconiosis is called Caplan’s syndrome.
His chest Xray in early 2015 shows extensive bilateral pulmonary shadowing with solid looking nodules superimposed on abnormal lung fields, contraction of his left lung with an elevated diaphragm and a large left upper lobe aspergilloma, displaying a classic air crescent. His CT scan from mid 2014 demonstrates a large aspergilloma in a cavity on the left, with marked pleural thickening around it, which is partially ‘calcified’ towards its base. Inferiorly on other images,remarkable pleural thickening and fibrotic irregular and spiculated nodules are seen, most partially calcified.
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