Chen XW, Li CW, Cui CB, Hua W, Zhu TJ, Gu QQ. Nine new and five known polyketides derived from a deep sea-sourced Aspergillus sp. 16-02-1. Mar Drugs. 2014 May 27;12(6):3116-37. doi: 10.3390/md12063116. PMID: 24871461; PMCID: PMC4071568.
A four day A. fumigatus culture on malt extract agar (above). Light microscopy pictures are taken at 1000x mag., stained with lacto-phenol cotton blue (right).
A four day A. fumigatus culture on malt extract agar (above). Light microscopy pictures are taken at 1000x mag., stained with lacto-phenol cotton blue (right).
A four day A. fumigatus culture on malt extract agar (above). Light microscopy pictures are taken at 1000x mag., stained with lacto-phenol cotton blue (right).