Date: 1 June 2023
Yanli Dou, Xiaoling Wang, Daifeng Jiang, Haiying Wang, Yang Jiao, Hongxiang Lou, Xiaoning Wang. Metabolites from Aspergillus versicolor, an endolichenic fungus
from the lichen Lobaria retigera. Drug Discov Ther. 2014 Apr;8(2):84-8. doi: 10.5582/ddt.8.84.
Image from: Yanli Dou, Xiaoling Wang, Daifeng Jiang, Haiying Wang, Yang Jiao, Hongxiang Lou, Xiaoning Wang. Metabolites from Aspergillus versicolor, an endolichenic fungus
from the lichen Lobaria retigera. Drug Discov Ther. 2014 Apr;8(2):84-8. doi: 10.5582/ddt.8.84.
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Image A
CT Scan 30/3/99
Showing extreme pleural thickening and 2 small cavities at apex of left lung. -
A 43 year old with smoking related emphysema was admitted to hospital with two separate episodes of haemoptysis. He had been in good health up to 1989, when he was diagnosed as having bilateral pulmonary tuberculosis. At that time a CT scan revealed a cavity in the left upper lobe (20.8cm2) with adjacent confluent infiltrates and pleural thickening. On bronchoscopic examination no abnormalities were noted and endobronchial biopsies did not reveal hyphae.
Over the next 4 years his condition deteriorated and a CT scan showed the left upper lobe cavity had increased to 40cm2. Itraconazole 400mg daily was prescribed. There was some clinical improvement on itraconazole but patient eventually deteriorated with breathlessness and with significant weight loss.
Pt AR Interval development of chronic cavitary pulmonary aspergillosis in the context of sarcoidosis
This patient was diagnosed with sarcoid after developing a chronic cough with the attached chest X-ray. In February 2003 the X-ray demonstrated bilateral extensive changes consistent with fibrocystic sarcoidosis with a complex cavitary area in both apices, more marked on the right. She was given a course of corticosteroids.