Aspergillus sp. HT-2

Reference (original paper):

Metabolites of Aspergillus sp. HT-​2. Zhang, Limin; Li, Zhanlin; Bai, Jiao; Wu, Xin; Wang, Yu; Hua, Huiming. Zhongguo Yaoxue Zazhi (Beijing, China) (2011), 46(15), 1154-1158.

Currently accepted name (anamorph): Aspergillus sp. HT-2

Computed content type (Species): Species

New metabolite(s):


Showing 10 posts of 951 posts found.
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    Medically significant


    Index fungorum

  • Samson, R.A.; Mouchacca, J. 1975. Additional notes on species of Aspergillus, Eurotium and Emericella from Egyptian desert soil. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 41(3):350

  • Novel indoloditerpenes, emindoles, and their related compounds from Emericella spp. Nozawa, Kohei; Nakajima, Seiichi; Kawai, Kenichi; Udagawa, Shunichi; Horie, Yoshikazu; Yamazaki, Mikio. Tennen Yuki Kagobutsu Toronkai Koen Yoshishu (1987), 29, 637-43


  • Benjamin, C.R. 1955. Ascocarps of Aspergillus and Penicillium. Mycologia. 47:680

  • Production of carcinogenic mycotoxins, sterigmatocystin and its allied compounds, by Emericella species. Horie, Yoshikazu; Yamazaki, Mikio. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan (1985), 26(3), 411-19.

  • Benzaldehyde derivatives from a marine-​derived fungus Aspergillus sp. Huang, Yuling; Ma, Liying; Rong, Xianguo; Liu, Desheng; Liu, Shaojun; Liu, Weizhong. Zhongcaoyao (2012), 43(5), 837-840


  • Link, H.F. 1809. Observationes in ordines plantarum naturales. Dissertatio I. Magazin der Gesellschaft Naturforschenden Freunde Berlin. 3:3-42
    Antioxidants produced by Eurotium herbariorum of filamentous fungi used for the manufacture of karebushi, dried bonito (Katsuobushi). Miyake, Yoshiaki; Ito, Chihiro; Itoigawa, Masataka; Osawa, Toshihiko. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (2009), 73(6), 1323-1327.

  • Ohtsuki, T. 1962. Studies on the glass mould: On two species of Aspergillus isolated from glass. Botanical Magazine Tokyo. 75:438


  • Blaser, P. 1976. Taxonomische und physiologische Untersuchungen uber die Gattung Eurotium Link. ex Fr. Sydowia. 28:1-49

  • Sasaki, Y. 1950. A study of molds in butter. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Hokkaido Imperial University. 49:121-249

  • Al-Musallam, Revision of the black Aspergillus species: 30 (1980)