Aspergillus sp. CM9a

Reference (original paper):

Secondary metabolites of Aspergillus sp. CM9a, an endophytic fungus of Cephalotaxus mannii. Xue, Heng; Lu, Chunhua; Liang, Lanying; Shen, Yuemao. Records of Natural Products (2012), 6(1), 28-34.

Currently accepted name (anamorph): Aspergillus sp. CM9a

Computed content type (Species): Species

New metabolite(s):


Showing 10 posts of 951 posts found.
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    Medically significant


    Index fungorum

  • Structure determination of violaceol-​I and -​II, new fungal metabolites from a strain of Emericella violacea. Yamazaki, Mikio; Maebayashi, Yukio. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin (1982), 30(2), 514-18

  • New asperxanthone and asperbiphenyl from the marine fungus Aspergillus sp. Wu, Zu-Jian; Ouyang, Ming-An; Tan, Qing-Wei. Pest Management Science (2009), 65(1), 60-65.


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  • Secoemestrin D, a Cytotoxic Epitetrathiodioxopiperizine, and Emericellenes A-​E, Five Sesterterpenoids from Emericella sp. AST0036, a Fungal Endophyte of Astragalus lentiginosus. Xu, Ya-ming; Espinosa-Artiles, Patricia; Liu, Mangping X.; Arnold, A. Elizabeth; Gunatilaka, A. A. Leslie. Journal of Natural Products (2013), 76(12), 2330-2336



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  • Peterson, S.W. 1992. Neosartorya pseudofischeri sp. nov. and its relationship to other species in Aspergilius section Fumigati. Mycological Research. 96:54

  • Malloch, D.; Cain, R.F. 1972. The Trichocomataceae: Ascomycetes with Aspergillus, Paecilomyces and Penicillium imperfect states. Canadian Journal of Botany. 50(12):2621

  • Malloch, D.; Cain, R.F. 1972. The Trichocomataceae: Ascomycetes with Aspergillus, Paecilomyces and Penicillium imperfect states. Canadian Journal of Botany. 50(12):2620

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