ID: 349
Medically significant: no
Classification agreed: y
Contentious not verified: n
In ncbi taxonomy database: y
Available from atcc: n
CBS: y
Previous CBS: unknown
Sexual CBS: unknown
Contentious name: unknown
Previous name, contentious name: unknown
Sexual form exists: unknown
Sexual form contentious name: n
Sexual form in ncbi taxonomy database: n
Previous name in NCBI taxonomy database: n
Previous name available at ATCC: unknown
Reference (original paper):
Frisvad, J.C.; Frank, J.M.; Houbraken, J.A.M.P.; Kuijpers, A.F.A.; Samson, R.A. 2004. New ochratoxin A producing species of Aspergillus section Circumdati. Studies in Mycology. 50(1):30
Currently accepted name (anamorph): A. westerdijkiae
Index Fungorum: Link
Mycobank: Link
Computed content type (Species): Species
Medically significant
Index fungorum
Blochwitz, A. 1933. Die Gattung Aspergillus. Neue Species, Synonyme und Nachträge. Annales Mycologici. 31(1-2):80
Mosseray, R. 1934. Les Aspergillus de la section Niger Thom et Church. La Cellule. 43:203-285
Costantin, J.; Lucet, A. 1905. Recherches sur quelques Aspergillus pathogènes. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique. 2:137
Peek, C.A.; Solheim, W.G. 1958. The hyphomycetous genera of H.W. Harkness and the ascomycetous genus Cleistosoma Harkn. Mycologia. 50:855