ID: 745
Medically significant: unknown
Classification agreed: y
Contentious not verified: n
In ncbi taxonomy database: n
Available from atcc: n
CBS: n
Previous CBS: unknown
Sexual CBS: unknown
Contentious name: n
Previous name, contentious name: unknown
Sexual form exists: unknown
Sexual form contentious name: unknown
Sexual form in ncbi taxonomy database: unknown
Previous name in NCBI taxonomy database: unknown
Previous name available at ATCC: unknown
Reference (original paper):
Perrone, G.; Varga, J.; Susca, A.; Frisvad J.C.; Stea, G.; Kocsube, S.; Toth, B.; Kozakiewicz, Z.; Samson, R.A. 2008. Aspergillus uvarum sp. nov., an uniseriate black Aspergillus species isolated from grapes in Europe. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 58:1036
Taxonomic family: Aspergillus section Nigri
Currently accepted name (anamorph): A. uvarum
Index Fungorum: Link
Mycobank: Link
Taxonomic family: Aspergillus section Nigri
Computed content type (Species): Species
Medically significant
Index fungorum
Christensen, M.; Raper, K.B.; States, J.S. 1978. Two new Aspergillus nidulans group members from Wyoming soils. Mycologia. 70:333
Udagawa, S.; Kamiya, S.; Tsubouchi, H. 1994. Aspergillus salviicola, a new species from imported spice. Mycoscience. 35(3):245
Thom, C.; Raper, K.B. 1939. The Aspergillus nidulans group. Mycologia. 31(6):660
Kozakiewicz, Z. 1989. Aspergillus species on the stored products. Mycological Papers. 161:124
Yuill, E. 1953. A new ascosporic species of Aspergillus. Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 36(1):57
Blochwitz, A. 1929. Die Gattung Aspergillus. neue Spezies. Diagnosen. Synonyme. Annales Mycologici. 27(3-4):207