ID: 745
Medically significant: unknown
Classification agreed: y
Contentious not verified: n
In ncbi taxonomy database: n
Available from atcc: n
CBS: n
Previous CBS: unknown
Sexual CBS: unknown
Contentious name: n
Previous name, contentious name: unknown
Sexual form exists: unknown
Sexual form contentious name: unknown
Sexual form in ncbi taxonomy database: unknown
Previous name in NCBI taxonomy database: unknown
Previous name available at ATCC: unknown
Reference (original paper):
Perrone, G.; Varga, J.; Susca, A.; Frisvad J.C.; Stea, G.; Kocsube, S.; Toth, B.; Kozakiewicz, Z.; Samson, R.A. 2008. Aspergillus uvarum sp. nov., an uniseriate black Aspergillus species isolated from grapes in Europe. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 58:1036
Taxonomic family: Aspergillus section Nigri
Currently accepted name (anamorph): A. uvarum
Index Fungorum: Link
Mycobank: Link
Taxonomic family: Aspergillus section Nigri
Computed content type (Species): Species
Medically significant
Index fungorum
Mehrotra, B.S.; Prasad, R. 1969. Aspergillus dimorphicus and Emericella cleisto-minuta sp. nov. from Indian soils. Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 52(2):331-336
Frisvad, J.C.; Frank, J.M.; Houbraken, J.A.M.P.; Kuijpers, A.F.A.; Samson, R.A. 2004. New ochratoxin A producing species of Aspergillus section Circumdati. Studies in Mycology. 50(1):23-44
Samson, R.A.; Houbraken, J.A.M.P.; Kuijpers, A.F.A.; Frank, J.M.; Frisvad, J.C. 2004. New ochratoxin A or sclerotium producing species in Aspergillus section Nigri. Studies in Mycology. 50(1):45-62
Bartoli, A.; Maggi, O. 1978. Four new species of Aspergillus from Ivory Coast soil. Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 71(3):383-394
Batista, A.C.; Silva Maia, H. da; Alecrim, I. da C. 1955. Onicomicose produizida por ‘Aspergillus clavato-nanica’ n. sp. Anais da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Recife. 15(2):197-203
Massee, G.E. 1914. Fungi exotici, XVIII. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Informations of the Royal Botanical Gardens Kew. 1914:156-159