ID: 786
Medically significant: yes
Classification agreed: unknown
Contentious not verified: unknown
In ncbi taxonomy database: unknown
Available from atcc: unknown
CBS: unknown
Previous CBS: unknown
Sexual CBS: unknown
Contentious name: unknown
Previous name, contentious name: unknown
Sexual form exists: unknown
Sexual form contentious name: unknown
Sexual form in ncbi taxonomy database: unknown
Previous name in NCBI taxonomy database: unknown
Previous name available at ATCC: unknown
Reference (original paper):
Sugui,J.A.;Peterson,S.W.;Clark,L.P.;Nardone,G;Folio,L;Riedlinger,G;Zerbe,C.S;Shea,Y;Henderson,C.M;Zelazny,A.M;Holland,S.M;Kwon-Chung,K.J. 2012. Aspergillus tanneri sp. nov., a new pathogen that causes invasive disease refractory to antifungal therapy. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 50(10):3312
Currently accepted name (anamorph): A. tanneri
Index Fungorum: Link
Mycobank: Link
Computed content type (Species): Species
Medically significant
Index fungorum
Raper, K.B.; Fennell, D.I. 1965. The Genus Aspergillus. :1-686
Link, H.F. 1809. Observationes in ordines plantarum naturales. Dissertatio I. Magazin der Gesellschaft Naturforschenden Freunde Berlin. 3(1):14
Varshney, J.L.; Sarbhoy, A.K. 1996. Two new species of Aspergillus from India. Microbiological Research. 151(3):231-234