A. sclerotioniger

ID: 315

Medically significant: no

Classification agreed: y

Contentious not verified: n

In ncbi taxonomy database: y

Available from atcc: n

CBS: y

Previous CBS: unknown

Sexual CBS: unknown

Contentious name: unknown

Previous name, contentious name: unknown

Sexual form exists: unknown

Sexual form contentious name: n

Sexual form in ncbi taxonomy database: n

Previous name in NCBI taxonomy database: n

Previous name available at ATCC: unknown

Reference (original paper):

Samson, R.A.; Houbraken, J.A.M.P.; Kuijpers, A.F.A.; Frank, J.M.; Frisvad, J.C., 2004, Studies in Mycology 50(1): 57

Currently accepted name (anamorph): A. sclerotioniger

Index Fungorum: Link

Mycobank: Link

Computed content type (Species): Species


Showing 10 posts of 951 posts found.
  • Title


    Medically significant


    Index fungorum

  • Christensen, M.; Raper, K.B. 1978. Aspergillus robustus, a new species in the A. ochraceus group. Mycologia. 70(1):200


  • Raper & Fennell, The Genus Aspergillus: 529 (1965)


  • Stolk, A.C.; Meyer, J. 1957. Penicillium isariaeforme sp.nov. and Aspergillus raperi sp.nov. Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 40:190


  • Ito, Y.; Peterson, S.W.; Wicklow, D.T.; Goto, T. 2001. Aspergillus pseudotamarii, a new aflatoxin producing species in Aspergillus section Flavi. Mycological Research. 105(2):237


  • Smith, G. 1943. Two new species of Aspergillus. Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 26(1-2):26


  • (Corda) Al-Musallam, Revision of the black Aspergillus species: 56 (1980)


  • Smith, G. 1961. Some new and interesting species of micro-fungi. II. Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 44(1):45


  • Raper, K.B.; Fennell, D.I. 1965. The Genus Aspergillus. :509


  • Speare. Rep. Exp. Stat. Hawaij. Sug. Plant Ass., Bull n. 12, 1912, p37, 38, fig. 1, t III, IV


  • Fennell, D.I.; Raper, K.B. 1955. New species and varieties of Aspergillus. Mycologia. 47:69
