ID: 28
Medically significant: yes
Classification agreed: y
Contentious not verified: n
In ncbi taxonomy database: n
Available from atcc: n
CBS: y
Previous CBS: y
Sexual CBS: unknown
Contentious name: unknown
Previous name, contentious name: n
Sexual form exists: y
Sexual form contentious name: n
Sexual form in ncbi taxonomy database: n
Previous name in NCBI taxonomy database: n
Previous name available at ATCC: unknown
Reference (original paper):
Advances in Penicillium and Aspergillus Systematics (New York): 48 (1986) [1985]
Currently accepted name (anamorph): A. reptans
Index Fungorum: Link
Mycobank: Link
Computed content type (Species): Species
Medically significant
Index fungorum
Samson & W. Gams.Samson, R.A. & Pitt, J.I. (eds.) 1985, Adv in Pen. and Asp. Systematics 33,85
Batista, A.C.; Lima, I.H.; Vital, A.F. 1957. Aspergillus gracilis Bainier var. sartoryi (Biourge) Batista, Lima e Vital n.var. – sua importância filogenética. Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata. 8(2):89-102