A. reptans

ID: 28

Medically significant: yes

Classification agreed: y

Contentious not verified: n

In ncbi taxonomy database: n

Available from atcc: n

CBS: y

Previous CBS: y

Sexual CBS: unknown

Contentious name: unknown

Previous name, contentious name: n

Sexual form exists: y

Sexual form contentious name: n

Sexual form in ncbi taxonomy database: n

Previous name in NCBI taxonomy database: n

Previous name available at ATCC: unknown

Reference (original paper):

Advances in Penicillium and Aspergillus Systematics (New York): 48 (1986) [1985]

Currently accepted name (anamorph): A. reptans

Index Fungorum: Link

Mycobank: Link

Computed content type (Species): Species


Showing 10 posts of 951 posts found.
  • Title


    Medically significant


    Index fungorum

  • 1985. Advances in Penicillium and Aspergillus Systematics. :1-483


  • Samson, R.A. & Pitt, J.I. (eds.) 1985, Advances in Penicillium and Aspergillus Systematics: 50


  • Varga, J.; Frisvad, J.C.; Samson, R.A., 2010, IMA Fungus 1(2): 194


  • Novobranova, T.I. 1972. Species Aspergilli novae in fructibus Mali ac Vitis inventis e regione Alma-Ataensi. Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii. 9:171-180


  • Samson & Seifert, Advances in Penicillium and Aspergillus Systematics: 417 (1986)


  • Gasperini 1887, Atti. Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, Processi Verbali 8: 326


  • Samson & Gams,Samson, R.A. & Pitt, J.I. 1985, Advances in Penicillium and Aspergillus Systematics 53


  • Horie, Y. 1979. New or interesting Emericella from herbal drugs. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan. 20:481

    Medical significance: Proven Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Stem Cell Transplant Recipient Due to Aspergillus sublatus, a Cryptic Species of A. nidulans. Mycopathologia. 2018 Apr;183(2):423-429. /article_database/proven-invasive-pulmonary-aspergillosis-stem-cell-transplant-recipient-due-aspergillus


  • Samson & W. Gams, Advances in Penicillium and Aspergillus Systematics: 50 (1985)


  • Samson & W. Gams, Advances in Penicillium and Aspergillus Systematics: 52 (1985)
