ID: 133
Medically significant: no
Classification agreed: n
Contentious not verified: n
In ncbi taxonomy database: n
Available from atcc: y
CBS: y
Previous CBS: unknown
Sexual CBS: y
Contentious name: y
Previous name, contentious name: n
Sexual form exists: unknown
Sexual form contentious name: n
Sexual form name: Eurotium repens
Sexual form author: de Bary, Hedwigia 9: 52 (1870)
Sexual form in ncbi taxonomy database: y
Previous name in NCBI taxonomy database: n
Previous name available at ATCC: y
Reference (original paper):
Saccardo, P.A. 1882. Fungi boreali-americani. Michelia. 2(8):564-582
Currently accepted name (anamorph): A. repens
Index Fungorum: Link
Mycobank: Link
Computed content type (Species): Species
Medically significant
Index fungorum
Rai, J.N.; Tewari, J.P.; Agarwal, S.C. 1974. The genus Aspergillus in India. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia. 47:487-499
O’Gorman, C.M.; Fuller, H.T.; Dyer, P.S. 2009. Discovery of a sexual cycle in the opportunistic fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. Nature London. 457(7228):471-474
Kwon-Chung, K.J. 1975. A new pathogenic species of Aspergillus in the Aspergillus fumigatus series. Mycologia. 67(4):770-779
Kozakiewicz, Z. 1989. Aspergillus species on the stored products. Mycological Papers. 161:1-188
Malloch, D.; Cain, R.F. 1972. New species and combinations of cleistothecial ascomycetes. Canadian Journal of Botany. 50(1):61-72