A. novofumigatus

ID: 376

Medically significant: unknown

Classification agreed: unknown

Contentious not verified: unknown

In ncbi taxonomy database: y

Available from atcc: n

CBS: y

Previous CBS: n

Sexual CBS: unknown

Contentious name: unknown

Previous name, contentious name: n

Sexual form exists: unknown

Sexual form contentious name: n

Sexual form in ncbi taxonomy database: n

Previous name: Aspergillus sp. IBT 16806/Aspergillus sp. IBT 16755

Previous name in NCBI taxonomy database: y

Previous name available at ATCC: unknown

Reference (original paper):

Hong, S.-B.; Go, S.-J.; Shin, H.-D.; Frisvad, J.C.; Samson, R.A. 2005. Polyphasic taxonomy of Aspergillus fumigatus and related species. Mycologia. 97(6):1328

Currently accepted name (anamorph): A. novofumigatus

Index Fungorum: Link

Mycobank: Link

Computed content type (Species): Species


Showing 10 posts of 951 posts found.
  • Title


    Medically significant


    Index fungorum

  • Malloch, D.; Cain, R.F. 1972. The Trichocomataceae: Ascomycetes with Aspergillus, Paecilomyces and Penicillium imperfect states. Canadian Journal of Botany. 50(12):2621

  • Malloch, D.; Cain, R.F. 1972. New species and combinations of cleistothecial ascomycetes. Canadian Journal of Botany. 50(1):64

  • Malloch, D.; Cain, R.F. 1972. New species and combinations of cleistothecial ascomycetes. Canadian Journal of Botany. 50(1):62

  • Link, H.F. 1824. Caroli a Linné Species Plantarum exhibentes Plantas Rite Cognitas ad Genera Relatas. 6(1):84

  • Subramanian, C.V. 1972. The perfect states of Aspergillus. Current Science. 41:758

  • Malloch, D.; Cain, R.F. 1972. New species and combinations of cleistothecial ascomycetes. Canadian Journal of Botany. 50(1):61

  • Nylander, W. 1856. Prodromus lichenographiae Galliae et Algeriae. Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux. 21:441

  • Zalar, P.; Frisvad, J.C.; Gunde-Cimerman, N.; Varga, J.; Samson, R.A. 2008. Four new species of Emericella from the Mediterranean region of Europe. Mycologia. 100(5):787

  • Wiley, B.J.; Simmons, E.G. 1973. New species and a new genus of Plectomycete with Aspergillus states. Mycologia. 65:937

  • Malloch, D.; Cain, R.F. 1972. New species and combinations of cleistothecial ascomycetes. Canadian Journal of Botany. 50(1):61-72