A. lentulus

ID: 373

Medically significant: yes

Classification agreed: unknown

Contentious not verified: unknown

In ncbi taxonomy database: y

Available from atcc: y

CBS: y

Previous CBS: unknown

Sexual CBS: unknown

Contentious name: unknown

Previous name, contentious name: unknown

Sexual form exists: unknown

Sexual form contentious name: n

Sexual form in ncbi taxonomy database: n

Previous name in NCBI taxonomy database: n

Previous name available at ATCC: unknown

Reference (original paper):

Balajee et al 2004, Eukaryotic Cell 4, 631

Currently accepted name (anamorph): A. lentulus

Index Fungorum: Link

Mycobank: Link

Computed content type (Species): Species


Showing 10 posts of 951 posts found.
  • Title


    Medically significant


    Index fungorum

  • Samson, R.A.; Peterson, S.W.; Frisvad, J.C.; Varga, J. 2011. New species in Aspergillus section Terrei. Studies in Mycology. 69:53


  • R.A. Samson, S.W. Peterson, J.C. Frisvad and J. Varga. Studies in Mycology 69: 39–55, 2011 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3161753/)



  • Željko Jurjević, Stephen W. Peterson, Gaetano Stea, Michele Solfrizzo, János Varga , Vit Hubka and Giancarlo Perrone. 2012. Two novel species of Aspergillus section Nigri from indoor air. IMA Fungus. 3(2):169


  • Sugui,J.A.;Peterson,S.W.;Clark,L.P.;Nardone,G;Folio,L;Riedlinger,G;Zerbe,C.S;Shea,Y;Henderson,C.M;Zelazny,A.M;Holland,S.M;Kwon-Chung,K.J. 2012. Aspergillus tanneri sp. nov., a new pathogen that causes invasive disease refractory to antifungal therapy. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 50(10):3312


  • unknown


  • Varga, J.; Frisvas, J.C.; Kocsubé, S.; Brankovics, B.; Tóth, B.; Szigeti, G.; Samson, R.A. 2011. New and revisited species in Aspergillus section Nigri. Studies in Mycology. 69:1-17



  • Varga, J.; Frisvas, J.C.; Kocsubé, S.; Brankovics, B.; Tóth, B.; Szigeti, G.; Samson, R.A. 2011. New and revisited species in Aspergillus section Nigri. Studies in Mycology. 69:16


  • Varga, Frisvad & Samson, Studies in Mycology 69: 9 (2011)


  • Davolos, D.; Persiani, AM; Pietrangeli, B.; Ricelli, A.; Maggi, O. 2011. Aspergillus affinis sp. nov., a new ochratoxin A-producing Aspergillus species (section Circumdati) isolated from decomposing leaves in a Mediterranean stream. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology.


  • Sørensen, A.; Lübeck, P.S.; Lübeck, M.; Nielsen, K.F.; Ahring, B.K.; Teller, P.; Frisvad, J.C. 2011. Aspergillus saccharolyticus sp. nov., a new black Aspergillus species isolated on treated oak wood in Denmark. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 61:3081
