Aspterric acid

ID 2: 213

Toxin: n

Systematic name:

1H-​3,​9a-​Methanocyclopent[c]​oxocin-​4-​carboxylic acid, octahydro-​4-​hydroxy-​7-​(1-​methylethylidene)​-​, (3R,​4R,​6aS,​9aS)​-

Molecular formulae: 



Molecular weight: 266.3

Chemical abstract number: 67309-95-9

Literature reference:

  • Aspterric acid, a new sesquiterpenoid of the carotane group, a metabolite from Aspergillus terreus IFO-​6123. X-​ray crystal and molecular structure of its p-​bromobenzoate. Tsuda, Yoshisuke; Kaneda, Miyuki; Tada, Akihiro; Nitta, Keiichi; Yamamoto, Yuzuru; Iitaka, Youichi. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (1978), (4), 160-1

References URL: 

Aspergillus Species known to produce this metabolite:

Structure image:  


Date uploaded: 2008-07-07 14:23:28

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