Aspergillus acid C

ID 2: 335

Toxin: n

Systematic name:

2,5-Furandione, 3-(15-hydroxyhexadecyl)-4-methyl-, (R)-

Molecular formulae: 



Molecular weight: 352.5

Chemical abstract number: 73115-21-6

Literature reference:

  • New secondary metabolites from toxic fungi. Assante, G.; Camarda, L.; Merlini, L.; Nasini, G. (Ist. Chim., Politec. Milano, Milan, Italy). Symp. Pap. – IUPAC Int. Symp. Chem. Nat. Prod., 11th, Volume 2, 171-2. Edited by: Marekov, N.; Ognyanov, I.; Orahovats, A. Izd. BAN: Sofia, Bulg. (English) 1

References URL: 

Aspergillus Species known to produce this metabolite:

Structure image:  


Date uploaded: 2008-07-07 13:40:36

Mycotoxin & Metabolites

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