aflatoxicol (Aflatoxin Ro)

ID 2: 450

Toxin: n

Systematic name:


Molecular formulae: 


Molecular weight: 314.3

Chemical abstract number: 29611-03-8

Literature reference:

  • Degradation products from aflatoxin B1 by Corynebacterium rubrum, Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma viride and Mucor ambiguus. Mann, Renate; Rehm, H. J. European Journal of Applied Microbiology (1976), 2(4), 297-306
    Interconversion of aflatoxin B1 and aflatoxicol by several fungi. Nakazato M; Morozumi S; Saito K; Fujinuma K; Nishima T; Kasai N. Applied and environmental microbiology (1990), 56(5), 1465-70

References URL: 

Aspergillus Species known to produce this metabolite:

Structure image:  


Date uploaded: 2008-07-07 12:45:11

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