

Site detail:

Welcome to MykoWeb, WWW pages devoted to the science of mycology (the study of the fungi) and the hobby of mushrooming (the pursuit of mushrooms). It is a production of Michael Wood, a past president of the Mycological Society of San Francisco. MykoWeb was started in the fall of 1995 and since then has garnered several web Awards.

The biggest attraction at MykoWeb is The Fungi of California, an expanded version of the former “Fungi of the San Francisco Bay Area”. The Fungi of California contains descriptions of over 360 species of fungi found in California, illustrated with over 1550 photographs. Also included is a Glossary of mycological terms and a Bibliography of useful mycological references. The Fungi of California is a joint project of Michael Wood and Fred Stevens.

MykoWeb has republished two books that are mycological treasures, but long out of print in book form. The first appears here as The Boletes of California. This is an online reprint of California Mushrooms: A Field Guide to the Boletes by Dr. Harry D. Thiers. Here you will find keys and descriptions of the 85 species and varieties of Boletes known from California when the book was published in 1975. The Boletes of California was done with the permission of Dr. Harry Thiers and the assistance of Fred Stevens and Michael Boom.

Diagnosis – research resources