Killer fungus (Summer Science Exhibition) 2016

Hands-on at the exhibit

  • Play games to understand fungus-host interplay and antifungal antibiotic treatment.  
  • Use our manikin to see which parts of the human body are infected by different fungal species.  
  • Examine the world’s largest Petri dish containing fungi, together with a time-lapse video showing their growth.

Find out more Fungi are everywhere, and a few species can cause very serious lethal infections. Fungal infections (mycoses) kill more people around the world than malaria. There are no vaccines to protect against fungal infections and we often diagnose them too late to save the patient. Our exhibit spotlights UK research that will help to improve prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mycoses. Across the UK, teams of scientists and doctors are working together to address the huge unmet need for better treatment of fungal infections. We now understand how fungi are recognised by our immune system; paving the way for treatments to boost immune effectiveness, or dampen the damaging inflammation caused by fungal infection. Designing fungus-specific antibiotics is challenging because fungi share many genetic properties with us. However, new drugs may selectively target features of fungi, such as the cell wall. And antibodies are being developed that can be used either for treatment or to assist in early diagnosis. This research is helping to inform and improve clinical options in the worldwide fight against fungal diseases.

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Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2016 | Monday 4 July - Sunday 10 July | London

Diagnosis – research resources