EUCAST: Antifungal susceptibility testing (AFST)

Methods for susceptibility testing of Candida and Aspergillus are developed and validated by the EUCAST subcommittee on AFST.

New and revised documents open for consultation will until accepted be published in the EUCAST News section together with all other consultations from EUCAST.  

Information on subcommittee organisation and members are available on the webpage describing the Organisation of EUCAST.

Information for industry aiming to bring agents to EUCAST for review and revision of breakpoints or a new agent to EMA for registration is available at  Information for industry


Development of new methods and validation and calibration of existing methods is performed at the EUCAST Development Laboratory for AFST:The EUCAST Development Laboratory for Antifungal Susceptibility Testing 

with the help of

The EUCAST AFST Network Laboratories 


Contacting EUCAST-AFST
Chairman Maiken Cavling Arendrup (maiken.c.arendrup[at]
Scientific Secretary Susan J Howard (susan.howard[at]
Clinical Data Coordinator Joseph Meletiadis (joseph.meletiadis[at]
EUCAST Development Laboratory for fungi
c/o Unit of Mycology
Dept. Microbiology & Infection Control
Statens Serum Institut, Building 211
Artillerivej 5
DK-2300 Copenhagen
Phone: +45 3268 3223 or +45 3268 3116 

EUCAST website

Diagnosis – research resources