ID: 3
Cell Component Extraction
Prepared by:
Dr M. Birch
This method has been successfully used for the extraction of total lipids from filamentous fungi (1), but is also suitable for lipid extraction from yeast and bacteria.
Year prepared: 1998
Date uploaded: 2010-02-26 13:42:17
This method has been successfully used for the extraction of total lipids from filamentous fungi (1), but is also suitable for lipid extraction from yeast and bacteria.
Vogel’s minimal media (Vogel 1956)
Methanol/Choloform (2:1 v:v)
Ultra pure water
Glass pipettes
Glass Bijouxs
Freeze Drier
Nitrogen gas or Vacuum Dessicator
1) Inoculate 50 ml of Vogel’s medium with freshly harvested conidia to a concentration of approximately 107 /ml. Incubate with shaking 200 rpm for 18-24 h at 37o C.
2) Collect mycelia by vacuum filtration and wash with 20 ml of 0.6 M MgSO4
3) Freeze dry mycelia
4) Weigh out 10 mg of freeze dried mycelia in to a glass Bijoux and add 2 ml of methanol/chloroform leave for up to 4 hours with occasional mixing.
5) Remove solvent to a separate Bijoux and re-extract as in 4).
6) Collect solvent and pool with first extract.
7) Remove solvent under a stream of N2 gas.
8) Re-dissolve lipid extract in 1ml of chloroform and wash with 1 ml of high quality water.
9) Remove top layer and use bottom (chloroform) layer to clean bijoux and dry under N2 gas.
10) Store lipids in a vacuum dessicator until analysis
Fungal Culture 18-24 h
Freeze drying 12-16 h
Lipid extraction 8h
Solvent removal 1h
Tips and general comments
1) Always pre-wash glassware with methanol prior to starting procedure.
2) Remove rubber cap seals from Bijouxs and avoid using plastic pipettes.Plasticisers can leach out and interfere with subsequent analysis.
3) Solvents must be of high purity; minimum HPLC grade.
4) Solvent can be removed by vacuum drying if preferred.
1) Birch M, Drucker DB, Riba I, Gaskill SJ, Denning D.(1998) Polar lipids of Aspergillus fumigatus, A.niger, A. nidulans A.flavus and A. terreus. MedicalMycol36:127-134
2) Vogel HJ (1956) A convenient growth medium for Neurospora (medium N)Microbiol. Gen. Bull. 13:42-44
Laboratory Protocols
Species/Strain identification
Fungal Molecular Biology
Detection in clinical samples
whole-cell screening
DNA extraction
Species/Strain identification
Secondary metabolites
whole-cell screening