2023 Fungal Pathogens Conference

2023 Fungal Pathogens Conference

Location: Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA

Dates: 09/10/2023 – 13/10/2023

Further information:

We are pleased to formally announce the 2023 Fungal Pathogens Conference. This conference seeks to build on the 2021 Molecular Mycology course 25th Anniversary Symposium to establish a biannual conference devoted to all types of research on human fungal pathogens including basic biology, pathogenesis, immunology, host-pathogen interactions, genomics, drug discovery and development, epidemiology as well as other topics. Two morning sessions will focus on broad topics to allow a diversity of specific presentations, both invited and chosen from participant abstracts. There will be poster sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The meeting will close with dinner on Thursday with departure on Friday.