Treatment of candidaemia in patients with haematologic malignancies

Ref ID: 17762


I. Kalinina*, M. Maschan, N. Myakova, D. Litvinov, G. Klyasova,
A. Maschan

Author address:

Moscow, RU)

Full conference title:

22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases


Candidemia is a severe complication in children with hematological
malignancies leading to a high mortality rate up to 50%. Increasing
resistance to azoles of C. albicans and prevalence of C. non-albicans are
two most significant modern trends in candidemia.
Patients: Thirty-four patients (24 M/10 F) with median age 6 (0.36-
17) years with different malignancies and bone marrow failures
developed 43 episodes of candidemia (EC). Systemic antifungal
prophylaxis was applied in 35 (82%) before EC, mostly with azoles
used in 32 pts. Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) at onset of EC was
<0.5 · 109/L in 26 (60.5%). Clinical manifestations were fever (100%), pneumonia (30%), endocarditis (9.3%), multiorgan failure (7%), septic shock (SS) (4.7%), chronic disseminated candidiasis (4.7%), skin rash (4.7%) and meningitis (2.4%). Results: C. albicans was isolated in five pts (eight strains) and Candida non-albicans - in 29 pts (36 strains). Twenty (45.5%) strains were resistant to fluconazole: 4/8 (50%) C. albicans and 16/36 (44%) C. non-albicans. All pts received antifungal therapy (monotherapy 19 EC, combination therapy 24 EC). Central venous catheter (CVC) was removed in 25 (58%) EC. In 21 (49%) EC G-CSF was administered. Outcome: Thirty-seven EC were cured, 6 (14%) patients died. Overall 30 days survival was 0.7 ± 0.13; 5-years’ OS - 0.45 ± 0.09. Factors of unfavorable prognosis were: advanced malignancy - 5 death of 10 EC vs 1 death of 33 EC in remission or aplasia after 1-st remission induction (p = 0.000), neutropenia at onset of EC: 6 of 26 vs 0 of 17 EC of pts with ANC more and less 500/mm3 respectively (p = 0.04), hematopoietic recovery (0 of 35 EC vs 6 of 8 EC with or without recovery, (p = 0.000) and CVC removal (1 of 25 EC with CVC removed vs 5 of 18 with CVC remained (p = 0.03). Conclusion: Candidemia remains an unresolved issue in pediatric hematology/oncology with high attributable mortality. Most of cases occur in spite of systemic antifungal prophylaxis. Stage of underlying disease, CVC removal and ANC recovery are the main variables influencing survival.

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Conference Year: 2012

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