Mapping of polyketide biosynthesis pathways in Aspergillus nidulans using a genome wide PKS gene deletion library.

Ref ID: 18378


Thomas O. Larsen*, C.
Rank, M. Klejnstrup, M.L. Nielsen, J.B. Nielsen, D.M.K. Holm, K.H. Brogaard, B. Hansen, J.C. Frisvad and U.H. Mortensen.

Author address:

Department of Systems
Biology, Technical University of Denmark *

Full conference title:

Asperfest 8


In order to map new links between PKS genes and their products in Aspergillus nidulans we have systematically deleted all thirty-two individual genes
predicted to encode polyketide synthases in this model organism. This number greatly exceeds the number of currently known PKs calling for new
approaches for triggering “œcryptic” or “œsilent” genes to see production of compounds not previously observed under laboratory conditions. We therefore
decided to challenge our deletion library on eight different complex media,spanning a large variety of alternating carbon and nitrogen sources, vitamins
and other nutrients. Comparative UHPLC-DAD analyses indeed revealed that a large number of secondary metabolites were produced by the A. nidulans
reference strain on the different media. Careful investigation, including LC-DAD-HRMS data, has led to the linking of several known compounds to their
PKS genes. For example we have found that a whole series of prenylated PKs such as arugosins and shamixanthones can be linked to the mdpG PK gene
cluster. Previously only emodins and monodictyphenone were known gene products of mdpG. Further examples of new links between PK products and
genes will be given illustrating the scope of using of diode array detection and electrospray in the negative mode for detection and tentative identification
of non-reduced polyketides.

Abstract Number: 55)

Conference Year: 2011

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