Inter-laboratory comparison of treatment response in a murine model of invasive candidiasis using two Candida albicans isolates

Ref ID: 17757


N.P. Wiederhold*, P.A. Warn, L.K. Najvar, J. Livermore,
R. Bocanegra, W.R. Kirkpatrick, T.F. Patterson

Author address:

(San Antonio, US;
Manchester, UK)

Full conference title:

22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases


Objective: Murine models of invasive candidiasis are frequently used
in the preclinical evaluation of investigational antifungals as these
models are typically robust and inexpensive. However, there have been
few inter-laboratory studies of outcome variability with the same
model. Our objective was to conduct an inter-laboratory comparison of
treatment response between two laboratories (UTHSCSA and
University of Manchester) using a murine model of invasive
candidiasis with two different C. albicans clinical isolates.
Methods: Immunocompetent 30 g outbred ICR or CD1 mice were
inoculated intravenously with C. albicans SC5314 or ATCC 90028
(target starting inocula 1.5 · 105 and 1.5 · 106 cells/mouse,
respectively). Antifungal therapy began 1 day later and continued for
5 days. Treatment groups consisted of control, fluconazole (FLC)
10 mg/kg PO QD, and caspofungin (CFG) 1 mg/kg IP QD. Treatment
continued until day 5 and mice were followed off therapy until day 21
to assess survival. Kidneys and brains were collected on day 8 in the
fungal burden arm. Fungal burden was assessed by colony-forming
units (CFU), and survival was assessed by Kaplan-Meier analysis. Each
laboratory evaluated both isolates and conducted the experiments
Results: Antifungal response, as measured by reductions in kidney
fungal burden and improvements in survival, was very similar between
the two laboratories (Table). CFG significantly improved survival and

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Conference Year: 2012

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