Inhibition of ochratoxin A production in Aspergillus carbonarius by hydroxycinnamic acids from grapes

Ref ID: 18296


Giancarlo Perrone
, Vincenzo Achille
, Antonia Gallo
, Valentina Picchi
, Miriam Haidukowski
and Roberto Lo Scalzo

Author address:

of Sciences of Food Production, National Research Council, 70126 Bari, Italy
Research Unit of Food Technology, Agricultural
Research Council, Milan, Italy

Full conference title:

Asperfest 9


Hydroxycinnamic acids: caffeic, coumaric and ferulic acid (HCAs) are endogenous components of grapes and have been reported to
inhibit growth of a variety of organisms including fungi and bacteria. They are mostly represented in berry skin and pulp by caftaric,
coutaric and fertaric acid, the tartaric esters. Ferulic acid has been proposed recently as a new antifungal agent against the Dekkera,
spoilage of wines. In this respect, ochratoxin A (OTA), a nephrotoxin with carcinogenic properties, produced by Aspergillus and
Penicillium, is considered the main contaminant of wines, relevant for human health risk. In addition, studies on phenolics and
flavonoid compounds have showed the effect of some of them on growth and OTA biosynthesis in A. carbonarius. We investigated
the activity of the free hydroxycinnamic acids, caffeic, p-coumaric and ferulic, on growth and ochratoxin A production by A.
carbonarius in artificial and natural substrate. Interestingly, ferulic acid resulted the most effective in reducing OTA biosynthesis
already at 0,3 mg/ml without any reduction of fungal growth. The effect on genes involved presumably in OTA biosynthetic pathway
has also been investigated. This research was supported by Ministerial project ALISAL-DM 11008/73

Abstract Number: 47)

Conference Year: 2012

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