Fungiscope – a Global Rare Fungal Infection Registry

Ref ID: 17746


M. Vehreschild*, A. Hamprecht, G. Fischer, S. de Hoog, J. Vehreschild,
O.A. Cornely

Author address:

(Cologne, Stuttgart, DE; Utrecht, NL)

Full conference title:

22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases


Background: We are coordinating a global registry for cases of rare
invasive fungal diseases (IFD). Our objective is to broaden the
knowledge on epidemiology, to determine the clinical pattern of
disease, to describe and improve diagnostic procedures and therapeutic
regimens, as well as to facilitate exchange of clinical isolates among the
Methods: FungiscopeTM – A Global Rare Fungal Infection Registry
uses a web-based electronic case form accessible via For inclusion in the registry we require positive
cultures or histopathological, antigen or molecular genetic evidence of
IFD and the associated clinical symptoms and signs of invasive
infection. The data entered onto the registry include demographics,
underlying conditions, neutrophil count, concomitant
immunosuppressive medications, clinical signs and symptoms of IFD,
site of infection, diagnostic tests performed, pathogen identification,
antifungal treatment, surgical procedures performed, response to
treatment, overall survival and attributable mortality. For an overview
on the project’s structure see figure 1.
Results: Overall, 244 cases have been completed. Zygomycetes
(n = 95; 39%), yeasts (n = 40; 16%), Fusarium spp. (n = 37; 15%),
and Dematiaceae (n = 31; 13%) were the most frequently registered
Chemotherapy or allogeneic stem cell transplantation for a haematological
malignancy was the most predominant risk factor (n = 118;
48%), as well as diabetes mellitus (n = 64; 26%), stay at an ICU
(n = 42; 17%) and chronic renal disease (n = 34; 14%).
Sites of infection included the lung in 94 patients (39%), followed by
blood stream infections (n = 45; 18%), the sino-nasal region (n = 35,
14%) and deep soft tissues (n = 33; 14%).
For 123 (50%) patients, a favourable outcome, defined as a complete or
partial response to treatment of IFD was documented. Overall mortality
and mortality attributable to IFD was 42% (n = 102) and 28% (n = 69),

Abstract Number: NULL

Conference Year: 2012

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