Co-cultivations of fungi: microscopic analysis and influence on protein production

Ref ID: 18311


Isabelle Benoit (1,2), A. Vinck (1), J. van Veluw (1), H.A.B. Wsten (1) and R.P. de Vries (1,2)

Author address:

(1)Microbiology & Kluyver Centre for
Genomics of Industrial Fermentation, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Email: (2)CBS-KNAW Fungal
Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Full conference title:

Asperfest 9


During their natural life cycle most fungi encounter other microorganisms and live in mixed communities with complex interactions,
such as symbiosis or competition. Industrial fermentations, on purpose or by accident, can also result in mixed cultures. Fungal cocultivations have been previously described for the production of specific enzymes, however, little is known about the interactions
between two species that are grown together. A. niger and A. oryzae are two of the most important industrial fungi worldwide and both
have a long history of strain improvement to optimize enzyme and metabolite production. Co-cultivation of these two Aspergilli with
each other and with the ascomycete phytopathogen Magnaporthe grisea, and the basidiomycete white rot fungus Phanerochaete
chrysosporium, has recently been described by our group (Hu et al, 2011). Total secreted protein, enzymatic activities related to plant
biomass degradation and growth phenotype were analyzed from cultures on wheat bran demonstrating positive effects of the cocultivation compared to the individual cultivations. In a follow-up study the morphology and mechanism of the interaction is
addressed using microscopy and proteomics. Data from this study will be presented. Reference Hu et al. International Biodeterioration
& Biodegradation 65 (2011)

Abstract Number: 62)

Conference Year: 2012

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