Pulmonary aspergillosis in a mare


Long JR, Mitchell L

Date: 19 November 2012


IntroductionAspergillosis, caused by species of Aspergillus, is primarily a respiratory infection but mayoccasionally be generalized (1). This genus isdistributed widely in nature and almost anysubstrate supplying organic matter and moisture will support growth of the fungus. It growsespecially well on damp hay, straw and grainthat has heated during storage. Aspergillusfumigatus is responsible for the majority ofcases of aspergillosis in animals and birds.This organism causes acute respiratory infectionwhen susceptible animals are exposed to heavyconcentrations of airbqrne conidia. Althoughpulmonary aspergillosis is not common indomestic animals, cases have been reported inseveral species (1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10).This report describes a fatal case of aspergillus pneumonia in a twenty-year-old Standard bred mare.

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