Fungal isolation and identification in 21 cases of guttural pouch mycosis in horses (1998-2002)
Ludwig A, Gatineau S, Reynaud MC, Cadore JL, Bourdoiseau G
Date: 29 June 2005
This aetiological study of guttural pouch mycosis (GPM) in the horse was based on the retrospective study of 21 horses brought into the National Veterinary School of Lyon (France) between 1998 and 2002. Biopsies were taken from the lesions caused by GPM during endoscopic examination. In 87% of the cases, direct examination gave positive results, whereas 43% of the cultures were found to be negative. The main fungi observed were Aspergillus fumigatus (in three cases), A. versicolor (in two cases, together with other fungi), and A. nidulans and A. niger (one case each). In six cases, the Aspergillus species could not be identified. In two cases, cleistothecia and/or Hulle cells were observed. In three cases, fungi other than Aspergillus were seen, mixed or not with Aspergillus. These results underline the importance of Aspergillus fumigatus in the development of GPM in horses.
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